Photo Galleries

TQC_dreams+memoriesTHDreams & Memories In Words & Pictures
Handwritten Sudanese Dreams & Memories stories and the resulting lovely quilt blocks from the very first TQC workshop.


Sudanese-American Celebration


Life in Sudan
Photographs by Yaunis Andenti

Sudanese village. Courtesy Yaunis Andini
Herding goats. Courtesy Yaunis Andini
Ready to farm. Courtesy Yaunis Andini
Washing the dishes. Courtesy Yaunis Andini
Proudly displaying hand-woven basket. Courtesy Yaunis Andini
Having fun. Courtesy Yaunis Andini
Taking care of young children. Courtesy Yaunis Andini
A Sudanese elder. Courtesy Yaunis Andini
Lounging outside. Courtesy Yaunis Andini
Two women in traditional dress. Courtesy Yaunis Andini
Posing for a memory. Courtesy Yaunis Andini
A Sudanese family. Courtesy Yaunis Andini
End of day family time. Courtesy Yaunis Andini
Ceremonial dancer. Courtesy Yaunis Andini


2008 Workshop & Exhibition
Stuhr Museum, Grand Island, NE

Peggie Hartwell introduces the students to her Dreams dance quilt. From the documentary The Quilted Conscience
Peggie models a “slam dunk” for Nyador to sketch. From the documentary The Quilted Conscience
The next step after sketching is selecting the fabric. From the documentary The Quilted Conscience
After cutting the pieces, the students glue them to the block fabric. From the documentary The Quilted Conscience
Nyakim Wal enjoys sewing on the porch at the Stuhr Museum Photo by Scott Kingsley, Property of The Grand Island Independent
Peggy Hartwell, Quiltmaker & Teacher. Courtesy Stuhr Museum
Kay Grimminger, Quiltmaker & Teacher. Courtesy Stuhr Museum
TQC Project Director John Sorensen. Courtesy Stuhr Museum
Quilter Ruth Campbell shows Nyador a type of quilting stitch. Photo by Scott Kingsley, Property of The Grand Island Independent
Film Streams Ticket at the Ruth Sokolof Theater, Omaha
A quilter’s younger sister is eager to show off the quilt. From the documentary The Quilted Conscience
The Sudanese-American Quilt. Courtesy Tracy Morrow
The Quilt Key. Courtesy Tracy Morrow
Peggie Hartwell & the young quilters proudly show off their quilt. Courtesy Tracy Morrow
Peggie Hartwell & a few of the young quilters. Courtesy Tracy Morrow
Young quilter Nyapal Chuol and Jane Hood, Nebraska Humanities Council. Courtesy Peggie Hartwell
Poster for the film. Created for The Quilted Conscience by Scott Kingsley, Photos property of The Grand Island Independent
Preview Event at Stuhr Museum, 2012, page 1. Courtesy Stuhr Museum
Preview Event at Stuhr Museum, 2012, page 2. Courtesy Stuhr Museum


The Blocks

Dreams by Nyakim Wal From the documentary The Quilted Conscience
Memories by Nada Kuku & Nyabiel Khor
Nyabiel shows off her Memories block at the Stuhr Museum. From the documentary The Quilted Conscience
Dreams & Memories by Chol Thiyang
Chol listens to a hot iron sizzle. From the documentary The Quilted Conscience
Dreams & Memories by Habiba Ghalfan
Habiba & Peggie Hartwell at the quilt exhibition From the documentary The Quilted Conscience
Dreams & Memories by Neesha Kier
Nyarieka & Neesha explain their Dreams blocks at the Stuhr Museum. From the documentary The Quilted Conscience
Dreams & Memories by Nyabuom Choul
Nyabuom at the Stuhr Museum. From the documentary The Quilted Conscience
Dreams & Memories by Nyador Wiyual
Ruth Campbell watches Nyador sew on her block at the Stuhr Museum. From the documentary The Quilted Conscience
Dreams & Memories by Nyakuot Lual
Nyakuot shows off her Memories block at the Stuhr Museum. From the documentary The Quilted Conscience
Dreams & Memories by Nyamnoch Thiyang
Nyamuoch explains her Dreams block at the Stuhr Museum. From the documentary The Quilted Conscience
Dreams & Memories by Nyapal Choul
Nyapal listens to Peggie Hartwell at the Stuhr Museum. From the documentary The Quilted Conscience
Dreams & Memories by Nyarieka Kier
Wajdan & Nyarieka at the quilt exhibition. From the documentary The Quilted Conscience
Dreams & Memories by Wajdan Yusif
Waydan works on her Dreams block at the Stuhr Museum. From the documentary The Quilted Conscience
Dreams & Memories by Yomaz Dau
Yomaz shows off her Dreams block at the Stuhr Museum. From the documentary The Quilted Conscience


For images of the Karen-American Celebrations and the Newcomers Quilts, visit the Success Stories / Photo Galleries page on our site.